Due to the Christmas holidays, our Electrical Selections can only be scheduled on Jan 2012, deym! Luckily someone pulled out on 12th December, and we got the slot! This is a blessing because it will allow us to include the variation to the bank for the construction loan approval.
As usual, we went to the meeting prepared and aware of exactly what we wanted. Thanks to my hubby whose second name is forum, and his persistence to discuss with me almost everyday (tee hee!!). We are very much conscious of spending unnecessarily for top of the line and innovative technology of today (a ducted vacuum would have been a nice gadget to have!) And as much as we want to live the dream, we have to be realistic and strictly limit ourselves with what is essential plus a just a little bit more for good measure ;)
With Christine's help (she is such a darling, very patient and we had an easy session), These are what we have come up with:
1) 20x wiring for future downlights in hallway / family room / kitchen
2) 37x double power points all over incl outdoors(it maybe overkill but what the heck!)
3) alarm panel system
4) 4x 2-way switches
5) 2x 3-in-1 fan-heater-light for bathrooms
5) 2x TV, pay TV, antenna, phone points, reinforced walls
6) some other minor miscellaneous stuff
Regardless of how much we were careful, we still ended up with a total of $8.5K for electricals. This brings us up to $80k on top of the base price. This reminds me of the earlier conversation with the sales people - they have given us a realistic figure back then. Mind you, this additional 80k includes the minor variations that were later on required by the council before they could approve the plans. So far, our experience with McDonald Jones has been pleasant to this day. Hope this will always be the case all throughout the building process.